Add a little Whimsy to your next event.
I will make you a cake or cookies perfectly suited to make your table sparkle!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Piggly Wiggly

I went to a family birthday party this past weekend. I was going to bring a barn cake (I recently heard a story from my dad about a great grandpa being the 19th child in the family and he was born in the barn and I was feeling inspired) and then make tiny animals for the barn but I got carried away with the pigs! I saw the Piggy Bank at my local cake supply shop and stole their design. Even though, I normally like to use my own designs! but honestly, this was too cute not to steal!
Also, my sister used to collect pigs when she was tiny. This was a sort of homage to her! The Pops were her present! Love you Kare Bear!

Future Sister

I recently hosted a bridals shower for my future sister-in-law and she loves chocolate so I made these cakes for her. I made chocolate raspberry petit fours and mocha mousse filled chocolate cupcakes! It was a lot of fun! I also go a new dish to serve them on. I love new things! I also love chocolate. A lot.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My very first attempt at cake pops.

Well, here they are. In an attempt at documenting my progress truthfully, I thought I should put them here. I almost didn't.

I did apples to celebrate my little man's first week of school being over. These morsels are very yummy but whoever said they are easy, was wrong. I should really have just done balls. Something simpler to get the hang of it. I'm hoping I can make them look better as time goes on. They were a lot of fun to make, though. Maybe I will make more to celebrate the second week of school?

Props to Scott Alkema, my love, for making my cake pop stands so quickly for me! Love you!